

中国工业参与国际垂直专业化分工影响因素的实证分析      王中华 赵曙东/3


——审视国际铁矿石价格机制的新视角                    董方军 袁伦渠/13


——中国民航业的经验检验                                     曹锦周/24


实施现状及问题分析                                敏 严  玲 尹琳琳/33

东部产业转移与中西部“三农”问题化解                         杨国才/42

外资对人力资本积累的作用                                     徐大丰/50

解读中国转型社会信用危机的根源                                 玫/57

上海市物质资本存量估算:1978~2007                    王桂新 陈冠春/65

上海的城市发展阶段与郊区新城建设研究                         陈建华/77

国际价值链分工模式下上海汽车产业升级路径研究                 张来春/85


――以上海市浦东新区实证研究为例                             贺水金/95

社会主义过渡时期上海纱布市场的综合治理                         婷/106

国内外旅游小城镇研究综述                                     赵小芸/114





Empirical Analysis on the Affecting Factors of Chinese Industry’s Participation in International Vertical Specialization     Wang Zhonghua  Zhao Shudong

A Research on the Contractual Arrangements Spectrum of the International Iron Ore Market  Dong Fangjun, Yuan Lunqu

An Innovative Study Framework on Industrial Organization of Civil Aviation in Transition Period Cao Jinzhou

Research on the Present Situation and Problems of Agent Construction System for Government Investment Projects based on Project Critical Governance Factors   Yan Min etc

Eastern Industry Transfer and Resolving the “Three Rural Issues” in Middle and West Regions  Yang Guocai

The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment to Human Capital Accumulation   Xu Dafeng

Study on the Roots of the Credit Crisis in Transition    Hong Mei

The Estimation of Shanghai’s capital stock: 1978~2007     Wang Guixin   Chen Guanchun

Research on the Period of Shanghai Development and Construction of New Towns   Chen Jianhua

Research on Upgrading of Shanghai Auto Industry under International Division of Labor within Value Chains      Zhang Laichun

Analysis on the Characteristics and Structure of Woman Floating Population in the Metropolis: Experiences from Pudong New Area        He Shuijin

Comprehensive Administration of Shanghai Cotton Yarn Market in Communist China of Transition Period   Zhu Ting

Commentary on Domestic and International Research on Travelling Small Towns  Zhao Xiaoyun