


在中国的调整和应用                               罗云峰/ 3


之谜的中国经验分析                                      袁芳英/12

人民币现金境外需求规模的间接测算研究:1999-2008        巴曙松   /19

汇改以来人民币汇率的波动特征与政策选择                   刘尧成/26

论博弈论中的策略思维                                                /35

基于HWSME的股票价格局部顶部的模糊综合评判方法                李国平  陈森发/42

农村养老问题:与城市比较的研究                               罗文英/49


——以三大跨省都市圈为例                                     陶希东/56


——兼论高端制造业与生产者服务业双重集聚                     张益丰/65

国际航运金融业务的发展与借鉴                                   /73

上海市公共投资的经济拉动效应的实证分析                 赵晓康  王维红/82

上海率先转变经济增长方式研究                          刘熀松/94

后世博效应研究及预测——以上海为例                           徐炳胜/104

加强交流合作 促进产业转型

——《杨浦区与川崎市产业转型比较国际研讨会》综述             郭家栋/112




China Fiscal Policy Efficiency——Mundell-Fleming Model’s Adjustment and Implement in China    Luo Yunfeng

The effect of government expenditure on household consumption    Yuan Fangying

The Study on the Indirect Estimate of the External Demand of Renminbi Currency1999-2008

Ba Shusong  Yan Min

The RMB Fluctuations Characteristics and Policy Options since the “Regime Reform”  Liu Yaocheng

Strategic Thoughts in Game Theory     Li Ling   Wang Xiang

Research on Rural Old-ages through the Comparison of Urban and Rural Areas   Luo Wenying

Cross-boundary Region: Contents, System and Policy      Tao Xidong

The Research of Local Industrial Clusters Upgrading Based on the GVC and NVC Systems   Zhang Yifeng 

Policy Suggestion on Construction Shipping Centre On the view of International Shipping Finance Market   Dai Yong

An experimental analysis on Shanghai’s Public Investmentits economic pulling and impact effect Zhao Xiaokang  Wang Weihong

The Study on the Mode Change of Shanghai Economic Growth    Liu Huangsong

Researching on the Post Expo Effect : Shanghai Economic Development as an Example   Xu Bingsheng

Intensify Communication and cooperation, Promote the Structure Transformation  Guo Jiadong