

中国居民收入分配格局的测度及其演进趋势分析                 钟茂初等/3

扩大消费研究:提高劳动者报酬份额的思路                       刘社建 李振明/13

财政分权对地方政府规模影响的区域差异实证                     孔刘柳 谢乔昕/20

政府举债的经济效应分析                                              颜建勇/26

低碳经济与我国发展模式的转型                                 范钰婷 李明忠/30

产业空间集聚与人力资本定价:来自基金业的证据                        叶德磊/36

公司治理改善公司效率的作用:兼论“效率导向”监管理念       黄建山/43

英国式金融监管的悖论与启示                                          时辰宙/54

东方管理文化视角下中日企业文化实证研究                       祁新娥 伍华佳/62

基于价值链的高管团队绩效模糊综合评价研究                       王卿 葛玉辉/69

企业集团资源协同管理环状机制模型研究                                丁铭华/75

中外合资企业内部利益关系研究                                        陶友之/82

基于VAR模型的上海市工业与服务业互动关系的实证研究            徐全勇/90

上海扩大消费需求与产业转型分析                       孙元欣 于茂荐/98

服务产品质量与价格认知一致性对顾客满意度的影响   刘清峰 晁钢令/105

读《社会主义计划经济的历史和理论起源》                              钟祥财/112




Testing and Analysis of Evolutionary Trend on the Pattern of Chinese Residents’ Income Distribution    Zhong Maochu    Song Shuren    Kong Yuan

Discussion of Purpose to Promote Labor Share on Expanding Consumption Strategy   Liu Shejian   Li Zhenming

An Empirical Analysis on the Cross-regional Differences Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Local Governments’ Size    Kong LiuliuXie Qiaoxin

The Economics Analysis of Government Debt    Yan Jianyong

Low-carbon Economic and China’s Transformation on the Development Mode  Fan Yuting  Li Mingzhong

Spatial Agglomeration and the Price of Human Capital: The Proof from Fund Industry  Ye Delei

Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Efficiency: Discussion on Efficiency-oriented Supervision Theory   Huang Jianshan

Paradoxes and Enlightment of British-Style Financial Regulation   Shi Chenzhou

Influence of Oriental Management Culture on Chinese and Japanese Enterprise Cultures: Case Study    Qi Xine   Wu Huajia

The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Study of Top Management Team Performance Based on Value Chain   Wang Qing   Ge Yuhui

Research of Enterprise Group Resource Synergy Management Mechanism    Ding Minghua

Research on the Internal Interest Relations of Sino-foreign Joint Ventures   Tao Youzhi

Positive Research on the Interdynamic Relationship between Industry & Service of Shanghai Municipality Based on VAR Model   Xu  Quanyong

The Analysis of Consumption Expenditure Improvement and Industry Transformation in Shanghai Sun Yuanxin, Yu Maojian

The Impact of Service Quality and Price Perception Consistency on the Degree of Customer Satisfaction      Liu Qingfeng  Chao Gangling