

中国货币政策信贷渠道有效性和可控性研究          黄武俊  燕安/3 


——基于1997-2006年省级Panel Data的实证分析              纪江明等/11


——以广东19个村农户调查为例                        王春超/18

服务业的模块化发展研究                                夏辉  薛求知/28

众包改变企业创新模式                       肖岚  高长春/35


--—基于服务外包和实物外包的双重度量                  汪丽  贺书锋/42


——以电子及通讯设备制造业为例                              张艳辉/51


——以物流网络与金融网络为例                          赵秀丽  张成/60

外贸中隐含碳的计算及其变化的因素分解           黄敏  蒋琴儿//68


——以新疆工业部门为例                        雪合来提•马合木提/77

上海浦东新区国际航运中心核心功能区建设比较研究                 林兰/84

上海发展服务经济的税收支持政策研究                             林锋/94


——对计划体制的一个经济学解释                               钟祥财/104

中国近代博览会事业的局限性                                   乔兆红/110







Analysis on the validity and controllability of the Credit channel of Monetary Policy in China Huang Wujun  Yan An

On Public Welfare Expenditure and the Urban Resident’s Consumption Difference: An Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data(1997-2006) of Provinces   Ji Jiangming etc

Study on the Will of Peasants participating in the Financing of the Construction for Rural Infrastructure        Wang Chunchao

The Research on the Applicability of Modularity in Service Sector  Xia Hui   Xue Qiuzhi

Crowdsourcing Changes Enterprise’s Innovation Model   Xiao Lan  Gao Changchun

International outsourcing and productivity growth of manufacturing sector in China  Wang Li  He Shufeng

Empirical Analysis of the Yangtze River Delta Industry Upgrading under Global Value Chain Zhang  Yanhui

On the Imbedibility of Production Network of Multinational Company and Producer Services Industry Network    Zhao Xiuli  Zhang Cheng

Accounting Embodied Carbon in Foreign Trade And The Analysis of Influential Factors  Huang Min  Jiang Qiner

DPG Analysis of Industrial Energy Consumption Variation: the Case of Xinjiang   Li Lei   Xohrat Mahmut

Research on the Building of the Core Functional Area of International Shipping Center in Pudong     Lin Lan

Shanghai’s Taxation Policy: How to Support its Service Economy Reforming   Lin Feng

The Logic of Collective Action under Special Pressure: An Economic Explain for Planning System    Zhong Xiangcai

The Limitations of Modern Chinese Exposition’s Cause   Qiao Zhaohong