

对马克思剩余价值理论的若干新思考                      沈开艳/3


——基于地级及以上城市面板数据的研究                  戴永安/12

区域经济政策研究中的若干基本理论问题                        陈家海/20

区域经济一体化背景下长三角城市的金融辐射效应研究            闫彦明/27

农村金融发展与农村收入分配:理论与证据                刘纯彬 桑铁柱/37

金融危机后美国金融监管改革及其对我国的启示                  宣文俊/47

国际金融危机之后的日、韩金融体制改革                        吴苌弘/57

我国新股发行上市制度规范的缺陷及其改善                      张家林/66


——基于公共政策评估的视角                                  张永岳等/73

大学毕业生在上海的就业与发展状况调查                        曾燕波/82

政府融资平台的信用机制分析                           倪经纬 罗林/88

进一步完善上海政府采购制度建设与管理的思考                  邱益中等/98

我国养老地产发展研究:世博效应及启示                        于宁/105

上海创意产业“十二五”发展研究:创新思路和产业新政          梁新华/116

产业价值链视角下的上海洋山保税港区物流产业发展研究          张颖华等/125




Some New Thoughts of Marx's Theory of Surplus Value    Shen Kaiyan

Empirical Research on the Chinese Urban Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors  Dai Yongan

Some fundamental theoretical issues in Regional Economic Policy Research   Chen Jiahai

Research on the Cities’ Financial Radiation Effects under the Background of the Regional Economic Integration   Yan Yanming

Rural Financial and Rural Income Distribution in China: Theory and Evidence  Liu Chunbin, Sang Tiezhu

The Analysis and Revelation of US Financial Regulatory Reform after Financial Crisis  Xuan Wenjun

Research on Financial System Reform in Japan and Korea after the Global Financial Crisis   Wu Changhong

System Defects and Improvements for Offering of New Shares   Zhang Jialin

Evaluation on Effects of China’s Macro-economic Control of Real Estate Market - Based on the Perspective of Public Policy Evaluation   Zhang Yongyue etc.

The Employment and Development of University Graduates in Shanghai   Zeng Yanbo

The Credit System of Government Financing Platform   Ni Jingwei

Review on Improving Shanghai Government Procurement System    Qiu Yizhong etc.

Research on the Elderly-Oriented Real Estate Industry in China: EXPO Effect And It’s Enlightenment      Yu Ning

Research on the Development of Shanghai Creation Industry: New Idea, New Policy   Liang Xinhua

Survey on the Development of Logistics in Yangshan Bonded Port Zone by the Value Chain Theory   Zhang Yinghua etc.