






——基于30个行业面板数据的实证研究                曹永琴/3

物价稳定目标下我国货币政策外部时滞的实证分析            孔刘柳  谢乔昕/16


——从影响因子角度的分析                                刘乃全  任光辉/23

制造业产业集聚与区域经济增长的实证研究                    /35

我国城乡社会保障差异对居民消费影响的实证研究       纪江明等/46

中国贸易收支的汇率弹性和收入弹性分析                    君羊  李志军/54

企业经营汇率风险的适应性管理框架研究                       薛求知/59

基金持股与公司绩效­:基金作为第二大股东持股的视角        李忠海  张涤新/68


——以新疆生产建设兵团为例                              秦海林/79

资产价格波动率指数及其交易                              倪英子  陈信华/89

上海市能源需求预测研究                            武英涛  王克强/95

上海、香港和新加坡服务贸易发展比较分析                  査贵勇/106

世博后上海旅游业的产业定位与发展战略研究                郑世卿/113

供给学派的思想价值和现实意义                      钟祥财/123





Research on the Heterogeneous Impact of Monetary Policy across Industries in China?  Cao Yongqin

An Empirical Analysis on External Price-oriented Monetary Policy Lags    Kong Liuliu  Xie Qiaoxin

The Interaction of the Professional Market and Industry Clusters in Regional Economic Development      Liu Naiquan  Ren Guanghui

Manufacturing Industry Concentration and Regional Economic Growth Empirical Study  Lei Peng

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Urban-Rural Social Security and Consumption Disparity in China   Ji Jiangming etc

The Exchange Elasticity and Income Elasticity for Bilateral Trade Balance between China and Its Major Trade Partners    Xi Junyang  Li Zhijun

Research on the Enterprises Conduct Adaptive Management Framework Based on Operating Exposure     Zhu Bo   Xue Qiuzhi

Fund Shareholding and Corporate Performance: A Study of a Unique Angle from the Second-largest Shareholder Shareholding    Li Zhonghai   Zhang Dixin

Analysis on Double Credit Collateral and the Financing Difficulty of Small-and-middle-sized Enterprises    Qin Hailin

Research on the Volatility Indexes and it’s Trading   Ni Yingzi,  Chen Xinhua

The Study of Energy Demand Forecasting in Shanghai    Wu Yingtao  Wang Keqiang

Comparison of Services Trade among Shanghai and Hong Kong and Singapore   Zha Guiyong

Research on the Industry Positioning and Development Strategy of Shanghai's Tourism Industry after the World Expo 2010   Zheng Shiqing

On the Ideological Value and Practical Significance of Supply-Side Economics  Zhong Xiangcai