

生产性公共支出真的会改变产业集聚格局吗?——基于新经济地理的分析       踪家峰  朱佳佳/3

异质行业假定下FDI环境效应的非线性特征                                  沈能/13

FDI技术溢出、智力资本与创新能力的关系研究                              张方华  李守芹/22

我国高新技术产业重心与人力资源重心的演化路径对比分析                   王春艳/32

中国战略性新兴产业集聚度变动的实证研究                                 刘艳/40

上海科技创新环境面临的问题与对策建议                                   陈国政/52

公允价值会计及其在中国的具体运用                                       郭照蕊/60

国际金融危机对我国内地与香港股票市场的冲击研究:以交叉上市公司为视角   张涤新 冯萍/70

融资约束对管理层薪酬激励机制影响—— 来自上市公司的实证研究            卢慧芳 吴华晶/86

核准制下IPO数量波动的影响因素研究 —— 对企业、监管机构择时发行的分析  倪中新 花静云 薛文骏/98

二元劳动力市场框架下产品内分工对我国相对收入差距变化影响分析           李春梅/108


         — 基于CGSS2006的微观测量分析                                 文雯/120

劳动力市场扭曲对我国服务业就业的影响分析                               籍佳婧/132


Dose Productive Public Input Change the Distribution of Industrial Agglomeration Based on New Economic Geography?    Zong Jia-feng  Zhu Jia-jia/

The Nonlinear Characteristics  of  FDI's  Environmental  Effects  under  the  Assumption  of  Industry  Heterogeneity         Shen Neng/

Study on Relationship of FDI’s Spillover, Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability        Zhang Fang-hua  Li Shou-qin/


Comparative Study on Gravity Evolution Path of Chinese High-tech Industrial and Human Resource       Wang Chun-yan/

China's strategic industrial concentration degree of emerging changes the empirical research      Liu  Yan/

Shanghai Condition of Scientific and Technological Innovations: Problem and Countermeasure         Chen guo-zheng/

Fair Value Accounting and Specific Application in China               Guo Zhao-rui/

Research on the impacts of international financial crisis on mainland and Hongkong stock market: from the perspective of cross-listed companies  Zhang Di-xin  Feng Ping/

Executive incentives and financial constraint-------Evidence from domestic listed company        Lu hui-fang  Hu hua-jing/

The Study of the Influential Factors of IPO Fluctuations in the Approval System

——An analysis Based on the Issuing Option of the Enterprises and Regulators      Ni Zhong-xin  Hua Jing-yun  Xue Wen-jun/


The research of Impacts of Intra-product Specialization on Relative Wage Gap Change Under Dual Labor-Markets in Cities    Li Chun-mei/

At the Present Stage the Causes of Income Unfairness in China and its Economic and Social Influences—Based on the Measurement and Analysis of CGSS2006 Microeconomic Survey Date            Wen Wen/

An analysis of the effect of labor market distortion on the services employment            Ji Jia-jing/