


——基于标准CIA模型和货币内生CIA模型的比较         胡日东  廖迎/3


——基于分税制与包干制的比较研究                   褚敏  靳涛/16


——基于中国经验的实证分析                               姜松  王钊/27


——基于面板误差修正模型的分析                           武岩/37

创新集群内企业间知识共享协调机制研究                     甄杰/45

收入不平等的阶层测度                              张伊娜  周双海/54


2008-2010年我国民营上市公司的经验证据             李传宪 干胜道 何益闯/63

新兴市场变迁过程中我国股票市场脆弱性检验                 刘慧悦  刘金全/69

上市公司年报审计质量与证券分析师盈余预测的实证分析       李刚/75

场外衍生品信息披露标准的完善和发展                       颜延   陆建忠/87

长期投资者发展影响因素的研究                             刘斯旸/95


实证分析:1978-2011                                      董理  史小龙/103

上海制造业比较优势演化与转型升级的路径研究               冯 梅/112

2012年上海民生问题调查报告                               陈群民  吴也白/121


 Analysis on the Influence Factor of China's Inflation Persistence from Comparison between Standard CIA Model and CIA Model with Endogenous Money    HU Ri-dong  LIAO Ying/

 Economic Analysis of the Tax-sharing System’s efficiency: Comparative Study based on Tax-sharing system and Contract system   Chu Min  Jin Tao/

Trade Liberalization, FDI and Real Estate Development: Empirical Evidence from China    JIANG  Song   WANG  Zhao/

Relationship Texting between Insurance Growth and Economic Development in China: the Analysis Based on Panel Error Correction Model  WU Yan/

Research on the Coordination Mechanism of Inter-Enterprise Knowledge Sharing in the Innovative Cluster  ZHEN Jie/

An Analysis of Income Class Inequality    ZHANG Yi-na ZHOU Shuang-hai/

Research on Political Connection and Corporation Over-Investment BehaviorEvidences from Chinese Listed Private Companies from 2008 to 2010   LI Chuan-xian1   GAN Sheng-dao2  HE Yi-chuang/

Studies on the Fragility of China’s Stock Market During the Transition of Merging Markets    LIU Hui-yue  LIU Jin-quan/

Empirical  study  of relationship between auditing quality of annual  report of listed company and Financial analyst earnings forcasts LI Gang/

Disclosure of OTC Derivatives in the Financial Report of Commercial Bank    YAN Yan  LU Jian-zhong/

Study on the factors affecting the development of long-term investors    LIU Si-yang/

Measurement of Technical Progress on Industries and its Effect on Employment in Shanghai:1978-2011 DONG Li SHI Xiao-long/

The Comparative Advantage Evolution and the Upgrading Path of Shanghai Manufacturing Industry   FENG Mei/

Survey report of the livelihood issues in shanghai in 2012      CHEN Qun-min  WU Ye-bai/