


——基于TR-GARCH模型的实证检验                    谢赤   贝籽/3

地下经济与一篮子货币最优权重                    孙和风/16


——基于金融加速器的视角                              孙亮/26


——基于1992~2012年季度数据的实证研究                 沙文兵/39


——基于中国19972012年数据的实证分析                罗贵发/48


——截面相关下的变结构面板协整分析                    王维国    薛景/59


——基于Citespace II 的计量分析                     衣春波  许鑫/67

近代上海同业公会与总商会、市商会之关系             樊卫国/79

上海市人口结构变化预测研究                             王裕明 吉祥 刘彩云/89


——基于倾向评分匹配倍差法的发现                       李梦雨 魏熙晔/

大股东增持:个体优势还是行业优势                       闫强/


——基于信息不对称视角                                 隋智勇 董亮 方中秀/


——当事人争议解决方式选择行为研究                     晏玲菊/




The Study on the Characteristics of the Central Bank’s Foreign Exchange Intervention Behavior: An Empirical Test Based on TR-GARCH Model  XIE Chi  BEI Zi/

Underground Economy and Optimal Currency Basket Weights  SUN He-feng/

Output Effects of EMU Monetary Shocks

——from the View of Financial Accelerator   SUN Liang/

Assessment and Analysis on the Renminbi Offshore Stock:

an Empirical Study Based on Quarterly Data from 2004 to 2012  SHA  Wen-bing/

A study on the problem of banking structure, credit channel and monetary policy effect

——An empirical analysis based on the data of 1997 ~ 2012 of China  Luo gui-fa/

The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Revisited within Provinces in China  WANG Wei-guo    XUE Jing/

A Study on Research Hotspots and Frontiers of Free Trade Area

——Bibliometric Analysis Based on Citespace II  YI Chun-bo Xu Xin/

Relation of Associations and General Chamber of Commerce or Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai  FAN Wei-guo/

Do China’sFunds ManipulateQuarter-endStock Prices?

Evidence from Difference in Differences Method Based on Propensity Score Matching  LI Meng-yu  WEI Xi-ye/

The Shareholding Increase of Large ShareholdersEnterprise or Industry Advantages  YAN Qiang/

The Social Welfare Analysis of the Problem of Real and False Beggars

——Based on the perspective of information asymmetry  SUN Zhi-yong DONG Liang FANG Zhong-xiu/

To Arbitrate or To Litigate: Parties’ Options for Dispute Resolution   YAN Ling-ju/